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The Same Old, Same Old or...Not?

One of the things I've learned about creating a better lifestyle, with better habits and routines is that I've had to become okay with doing the same thing over and over. For me this is a challenge. My attention can easily be diverted in any direction. Many times that direction is useless and unproductive. But do we always have to do the same things over and over to achieve our goals? The answer to this is NO!

While it is important for me to build healthier habits and routines, it's okay to break out of the same old same old from time to time. In fact, for me it's as important to change the routine sometimes as it is to implement one.

This past Sunday was a great example. My wife and I took a drive about an hour and a half north to Chimney Rock State Park. It's a place we've been to many times before. Most Sundays would consist of me getting up and going for a run at the same location that I go run almost everyday, or the park where I run the same trails on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, they're great spots and I'm grateful to have easy access to them, but sometimes it can get monotonous. So, when my wife asked me if I wanted to go to Chimney Rock Sunday to hike, I was all in. We started out at the bottom parking lot and made the 1100+ foot accent in about a 1.5 mile stretch to get to what's known as the exclamation point. The accent was mostly stairs. We huffed and puffed the whole way up and felt our knees and calves screaming at us on the way down, but we were smiling and talking and enjoying life. After our hike we ate lunch at a local Italian restaurant on the water before making the drive back to the house. We left our house at about 8:30 that morning and we were back home by 4:00. It was just what I needed to reset myself for falling back into another week of the same old same old. I hope everyone has a great week! Get out and find some adventure! You don't have to go far.

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